Developing and Testing a Model for Integrated HIV and Geriatric Care for Older People Living with HIV in Ambulatory Settings
The goal of this study is to pilot the use of an evidence-based, HIV-specific Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment adapted to the needs older persons living with HIV (OPLWH), and implemented by providers from nursing, social work, nutrition, mental health, and HIV-primary care within a multidisciplinary HIV clinic that cares for over 1500 OPLWH. In this Gilead funded study, Amanda serves as a Qualitative Data Consultant to support the qualitative data collection and analysis portion of this study.
Our preliminary analysis of the data from our English-speaking patients was presented on 13 October 2022 at the International Workshop for HIV & Aging during the Mentorship and Lightning Poster Presentations session.
The full conference abstract can be viewed in the conference brochure.