Education & Employment
Current Affiliations

CUNY Graduate School of Public Health
PhD in Community Health & Public Policy
Expected Graduation Date: 2025

Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Study Coordinator | Department of Internal Medicine
Central Africa - International epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (CA-IeDEA)
MACS/WIHS Combined Cohort Study
Einstein/Rwanda/DRC Consortium for Research in HIV/HPV/Malignancies
Aging Positively Study
Supervised by Dr. Kathryn Anastos, Dr. Marcel Yotebieng, Dr. Anjali Sharma and Ms. Lynn Murchison
Mentored by Dr. Adebola Adedimeji
Educational Background

Maastricht University
Master of Science in Global Health
September 2014 - August 2015
Thesis: The role of traditional life and colonial authority in post-colonial identity, agency, and health-seeking behaviors of women in Cameroon.
Supervised by Dr. Léonie Dapi Nzefa
Relevant Experiences:
Human Rights and Global Health Elective Exchange Track at Thammasat University
Bridging Different Worlds Symposium at Manipal University

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick
Bachelor of Science in Public Health
Minor: South Asian Studies
September 2011 - January 2014
Capstone Internship:
Arise and Shine Uganda in the HIV and Family Planning Education Projects
Supervised by Rachel Johnson
Presentation: Rural Health Care Access in Sub-Counties of Kibuye Parish.
Fellowships, Awards & Honors
“Population Health Policy as a Prevention Strategy” Scholarship Recipient (2019)
Epidemiology and Population Health Summer Institute (EPIC) at Columbia University / National Institute for General Medical Sciences